We all know this feeling very well. After many years of throwing all my clothes on the floor, out the window or in the car (well on its way to the local thrift shop) I know the feeling of having nothing to wear extremely well.

It can seem at times that everything in our closets has been worn too much, doesn't fit or just isn't in style anymore. So we then decide to give away, throw away, buy more or HOARD.

I recently read an article dated a few years back that gave me information I know is well on the rise. 
The Telegraph is a well known online resource to Fashionistas and just about anyone in the U.K. 

Experts on behalf of The Telegraph did a study on women ages 16 to 60 . The study found that most women will spend around 20 minutes ONLY "deciding" what to wear before hitting the town on a weekend night. Brace yourself because that is "ONLY" the (average).
They also found that on holidays women tend to take up to 52 minutes deciding on what clothes to wear.

But wait there is more...

"Experts found on average women spend 16 minutes every weekday morning deciding what to wear and around 14 minutes on a Saturday or Sunday morning."- The Telegraph

 The weekdays isn't so bad in comparison to the other days but it's the grand total of hours that really got my attention.

After much more calculation of days and hours including holidays (which by the way I thought I should just mention that the link for this study information by The Telegraph will be at the bottom of this blog) the grand total for the calculation was a total of......

Are you ready for this one?

See how I purposely placed an image in the middle of the story to raise the thrill of this answer at bit.

Not working?

Ok, moving on.
The (average) woman spends an average over a life span between the ages of 16 to 60 at least 1 whole year choosing an outfit.


That is the fact and were sticking to it!

So now what?

Do we just get all of our outfits out of the way by quitting our jobs, personal lives, and family to pick out an outfit for each day of the rest of our lives? 
Now, thats just sounds crazy! 

Needless to say most of (US) 
{ME + YOU = US} spend less time on (US) each day.  
With careers, children, school, and personal lives we barely have time for ourselves. Nor do we have time for the process of a whole year (broken into segments) of trying to rip clothes on and off our bodies, organize our closets, choose what matches and throw the others away.

Most of us just grab the most comfortable thing to throw on and GO!

How convenient would it be to run in your closet, grab a pre-made outfit and start your day?
Do you have time to do this?

How about knowing where everything is because it has its own place?
Do you have time for this?

Instead created two services for this very need.

The first is a Closet Edit (also known as Sorting) 
This is where we go through what you already own. We may suggest to purchase garments but this is not always the case . Don't worry we have people for that! (I waited so long to say that) Ok all jokes aside, 
we organize your closet so every piece has a place. (I think that last sentence rhymes, may trademark that!)

And for the grand finale!

The second is Personal Shopping.
This is the re-invention of each client’s style. We create a wardrobe for all areas of their life. This is a three hour session where a presentation of the new look is given as well as an instruction on how to use these
garments. The garments are carefully selected for the clients goal of style. A fitting is included if necessary. 

So my beautiful ladies  and handsome gentlemen (apologies for including you at the very end gentlemen)
I will be waiting aside my computer if you feel the need to take advantage of these awesome budget friendly services and until then I will see you next week for our Tuesday Trends at 2 o'clock.

Fashionably Yours,


P.S. Just because I love to keep promises here is the link to all this helpful info by "The Telegraph"



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